武汉桑拿网,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网,武汉夜生活论坛 品茶工作室外卖 This time, because of your news, I, Hua Tianzong, have avoided a great loss. You have done a good job. The sects will certainly not treat you badly. This time, you have made a great contribution. What do you want as a reward? The elder said that he meant to let Song Yunji choose the reward.

This time, because of your news, I, Hua Tianzong, have avoided a great loss. You have done a good job. The sects will certainly not treat you badly. This time, you have made a great contribution. What do you want as a reward? The elder said that he meant to let Song Yunji choose the reward.

However, it is one thing to tell the truth that Song Yun really wants a large sum of crystal, but it is always difficult to say that it is one thing to reward him.
Ok, I have three rewards here. You have seen which one you want. The first one is to give you a large sectarian contribution. You can exchange what you want. The second one is to give you a yuan device. The third one is to give you the qualification to practice at the prefecture level. When Elder Tai heard Song Yun’s words, his eyes were more satisfied.
Song Yun didn’t answer immediately, but seriously thought about it. The prefecture level was first ruled out by Song Yun. Song Yun may lack a lot of things, but he just doesn’t lack Lei Jie. Song Yungen has become Song Yun’s main practice for the time being. Song Yun doesn’t need other yuan devices. Song Yun is willing to refine yuan devices at any time.
I chose the first item, Song Yun, without hesitation, and directly said that I chose it. This should be the reward that best meets Song Yun’s requirements. Don’t underestimate the sectarian contribution. For sectarian brothers, sectarian rewards are indispensable things.
After reaching the realm of Wu Zun, the status of sectarian brothers has soared, but if they want to continue to obtain sectarian cultivation resources, they must contribute to the Sect in various forms. It is also a status symbol to convert a numerical value to a value that is more or less direct enough to obtain cultivation resources.
It’s just like saying that the cultivation of prefecture-level is very precious, even the core brother can’t cultivate at will. If you want to cultivate these prefecture-level areas, you must make enough contributions to the Sect. The same is true of Wushu. It can be said that no one in the Sect will think that the Sect has made little contribution, and many people will try their best to get sectarian contributions.
Your contribution this time is not small, so I will give you 100,000 contributions. When the elders ponder over it for a while, they will finally give Song Yun such a reward. It is no accident for Song Yun to choose this. Yuan Qi or Yuan Qi can be exchanged for sectarian contributions, but these things cannot be exchanged for sectarian contributions.
Thank you, Elder Tai, for your contribution of 100,000 sects. According to Hua Tianzong’s contribution, the contribution of 100,000 sects is probably equivalent to 101,000 yuan crystal, which is also a good reward. But even if you give Song Yun 101,000 yuan crystal, there is no big sectarian contribution to Song Yun. What is more important for Song Yun is the meaning of sectarian contribution.
After a good practice, Huatianzong will rely on your generation. Recently, these things are unusual. It’s okay. You’d better not walk outside. Elder Tai is very satisfied with Song Yun. This talent is neither arrogant nor impetuous. No sect is dissatisfied, so his attitude towards Song Yun is particularly good.
My brother obeyed Song Yunzui, but he has made up his mind to hunt demons. However, Song Yun can’t explain this matter well, and he can temporarily fool the past. For Song Yun now, nothing is more important than high-altitude cultivation, and the opportunity to cultivate Song Yun is still here.
The sectarian contribution is directly recorded in Huatianzong, and a special section is responsible for the sectarian contribution. However, Song Yun didn’t care what 100,000 sectarian contributions could be exchanged for. At this time, Song Yun has already left Huatiancheng and walked towards the northern inferno territory. Song Yun not only has to slay the inferno and hone himself, but it depends on this time whether Song Yun can improve quickly.
There is no trace of the inferno all the way. After this defeat, the inferno has completely retired from the surrounding area of Huatianzong, which makes it easier for Song Yun to go deep into the inferno. If the inferno army is stationed here, Song Yun may not escape the eyes and ears of the inferno even if it is a big event.
Although there are a large number of infernos, I’m afraid I can’t figure out exactly how many infernos there are in this school, but no matter how many infernos there are, it’s impossible for every corner to be inferno. After Song Yun’s end, the Yuan God can avoid the inferno, and the big army is looking for a single inferno hand.
It seems that the inferno is really retreating. When it is 100 miles away from Huatiancheng, Song Yun becomes extremely careful. Before the knot, the inferno army has been reported, and Song Yun didn’t find an inferno today.
It wasn’t long before Song Yun left Huatiancheng that a group of Huatianzong brothers followed Song Yun and sent them from Huatiancheng at the same time. These military departments are all Huatianzong’s core brothers. One of them is wearing a black shirt and has a strong Shaqi. These people are obviously the martial master, and the direction of these people is actually Song Yun.
All the way north, Song Yun couldn’t help but frown, and the inferno army disappeared. Even if it was defeated by this, it was common for the inferno to retreat, but it was unusual for Song Yun to find no trace of the inferno for two days.
It’s a strange thing. Don’t demons attack all the major sects? Not Huatianzong, but other sects have also been attacked by demons. Many sects have suffered heavy losses. Now there is no inferno here. Song Yun should recognize that these demons are still fighting among the major sects.
This may be a good opportunity, and this speculation is likely to be true. This is definitely good news for Song Yun. On the one hand, Song Yun chose to go deep into the inferno to train himself, but more importantly, he wanted to find the Yuanjing mine, so as to inspire Violet Beads to improve their self-cultivation quickly.
It’s now or never. Song Yun will no longer hesitate. He will speed up a lot and rush to the north. Yuan Jing is against the inferno, but it seems that the inferno doesn’t know how to mine Yuan Jing ore. Otherwise, he won’t wait until the major sects invade this place and take many Yuan Jing ores as his own.
Song Yun didn’t find Yuanjing all the way, but these Yuanjing are all one-dimensional crystals or two-dimensional crystals. The quantity is quite a lot, but the quality can’t be said in the past. Now, even if there are more two-dimensional crystals, I’m afraid Zileizhu won’t react at all
Well, there was a wave in the Yuan God, and Song Yun quickly hid his body shape when he looked tight. This is the third day that Song Yun went deep into the inferno, and it was also the first time that Song Yun felt the smell of the inferno, and in Song Yun’s perception, the number of infernos in front of him was no longer close to one thousand.
Song Yun wondered that it is not a simple thing to be together in so many infernos. Generally speaking, unless it is an army of infernos, so many infernos can’t be together. With a curiosity, Song Yun couldn’t help but rush to his front carefully.
Pairs of neat infernos are now in Song Yun’s eyes. These infernos are burning with magic flame and their armor is flashing with cold light, which makes people feel that these infernos are absolutely elite at first glance, and what these infernos are doing at this time has also caused Song Yun to note that there is a huge abyss in these infernos, and demons are constantly coming and going from this abyss.
The strength of these infernos is not weak. They are all Wu Zun’s infernos, and some of them are extremely powerful. It should be that Wu Wangjing’s inferno is strong. Song Yun’s eyes can’t see the edge of this abyss than a narrow one.
Well, as soon as Song Yun’s heart approached his brow, it was wrinkled up. At that moment, Song Yun actually felt a vibration in his chest, and then a longing emotion was handed to Song Yun’s mind. This longing emotion directly pointed to the huge abyss in the distance, which obviously made Zi Leizhu want something.
Being able to make Violet Bead yearn for something, however, it becomes a crystal. At this time, Song Yun takes a closer look at the inferno from this abyss, holding a huge iron box in his hand. Song Yun’s heart moves and looks at these infernos completely differently.
In this abyss, the meta-crystals are not low-level, but judging from the movement of these demons, these demons are obviously picking meta-crystals. However, in the cognition of major sects, the inferno is the root and will not pick meta-crystals. Song Yunzong thinks that there is an unusual meaning in this inferno sneak attack on major sects.
Yuanjing is very important to Song Yun, but there are not a few demons here. It is not a simple matter to get Yuanjing under the noses of so many demons, but senior Yuanjing is rare, and Song Yun is not willing to give up like this.
But what to do Song Yun didn’t think of any way to directly kill the past. I’m afraid Song Yun will be blasted into dross by these demons in an instant, but it’s not a simple thing to sneak into the abyss. What should Song Yun do at this time? Chapter 279 Calculation

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