武汉桑拿网,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网,武汉夜生活论坛 品茶夜网 Master Jin patted his head and said, Look at my memory. I am so happy this night that I almost forgot to tell you something important.

Master Jin patted his head and said, Look at my memory. I am so happy this night that I almost forgot to tell you something important.

Immediately, the master told the story of Guru Wu coming to the door in vain, and also told Jin Xiuqing’s trip to Japan with two stooges. When it comes to human missiles trying to destroy special planes,
Li Yueling, Jin Nuanyu, is startled. They are not worried about Jin Xiuqing’s safety. Don’t say that two people have reached the strength of Mahayana repair. Even if Jin Xiuqing repairs modern weapons during his silence, it is extremely unrealistic to want to hurt her.
Gollum, how did Sun Ge run together? Although the master didn’t say the word Sun Wu, Li Yueling was able to confirm from the master’s story that the master’s mouth was small and medium-sized. Anyone who wants to lead Sun Wu, the Monkey King, to be reincarnated.
Grandpa, what did you say when you joined Aunt Xiuqing after the missile attack?
Master Jin has a clue. I have sent people to spy on this matter. It is still unclear which group of people did it, but the most suspect is the Haneda consortium, the negotiating partner of Xiuqing in Japan.
Moreover, according to the intelligence obtained by the hand, the missile attacking Xiuqing’s plane is the latest research in Japan, and the long-range thermal energy system guided missile has not been sold in the black market of arms. In this case, if we go deeper, we can unite the Japanese government. It is estimated that even the national intelligence department may not be better than it. In just a few days, more than half of the things have been clarified.
It’s true that Li Yueling hates people who hurt his family the most. At the beginning, he was able to stand up and fight harder than himself. The best proof is that even if the other party didn’t have enough ability to hurt him, it would be a fait accompli to try or take action.
Haneda group is one of the top consortia in Asia, and even the Kim group can’t have their huge financial resources. Otherwise, this time, we won’t let Xiuqing go to Japan to sign with them, but let them come to our side.
There is only one possibility left in their attempt to murder Xiuqing this time, that is, the Haneda consortium is a Japanese government. Although Master Kim has not asked about the shopping mall for a long time, he always knows the situation thoroughly.
In view of this, I have to go to this turtle island once, so that I can get Sun Ge back. Secondly, I should leave some souvenirs for Xiao Ri. Li Yueling doesn’t care about killing evil, but even worse, killing Japanese scum needs to be borne.
Cher Yuer, you two stay here with Grandpa. I’ll be right back when I go. Although Li Yueling has to worry about Jin Xiuqing’s safety, Haneda Group is a shameful act of the Japanese government, which angered him.
At the same time, Li Yueling has disappeared, and his town Yuan’s magical power is just a blink of an eye. He has come to the sun god to search for Jin Xiuqing’s breath. After a few breaths, he has found the right position and turned into a light.
At the same time, Wu Gulu is competing for who will torture the soul, the peacock king, over and over again.
To tell the truth, Peacock King had long wanted to tell the truth, but he never had a chance to surrender because of a gambling fight with Wu Gulu.
The only time I barely made a sound, I realized that it was impossible to move so quickly, and I wanted to kill it in the bud by lying and fooling around.
The two of them realized that this bird must have a hard mouth and refused to try my soul.
If you can’t play, let’s play together. Just like this, you and I will always torture each other before we can hurt his life. Whoever tortures Aunt Xiuqing first needs to know will win.
After Wu expressed his approval, the peacock king’s tragedy was played. He just enjoyed the soul of Wu Yang’s fire. At this moment, he was held in the palm of his hand by Gollum, and the mysterious yin qi was frozen in a hockey puck.
In ice hockey, more yin fire is burning his fragile soul, and the taste is really just realized to deal with his soul.
It seems that Gollum realized that these two stooges really had fun and forgot their visit.
Chapter three hundred and thirteen False gods and true demons
When Jin Xiuqing came back from the outside, the peacock king Yuan Shen was almost half-breathed, and the guru realized that there were more than twenty kinds of alchemy methods before and after the two of them. If they were not fighting each other, they would not let the peacock king hang up.
Just finished refining the gods and decided to print Gollum. It’s your turn to throw Yuan Shen, the weak peacock king, to Enlightenment.
At the same time, Jin Xiuqing has pushed the door and purred. What’s wrong with him?
To take over and continue to toss about Peacock King Wu paused because of Jin Xiuqing’s entry, which also made the nearly collapsed Peacock King finally find a chance to speak.
I confess. I confess everything
Come on, you bird, you can talk. Gollum was surprised.
Wu is also attached to the road. Yeah, why did this bird recruit both of us as soon as Aunt came back? He hasn’t seen this bird confide half a word for a long time. Does this bird know that Aunt is more powerful than both of us?
Peacock King with Kuqiang voice, two great gods, you never gave the novel a chance to speak.
Although Jin Xiuqing didn’t see the means of Qianwu Gollum to deal with Peacock King, this remark sounded like a rough guess.
All right, little Gollum, stop it and hear what he can do.
Finally, the opportunity to confess and be lenient. In the eyes of the peacock king who has suffered a lot, Jin Xiuqing is simply the embodiment of the savior of heaven at this moment.
By the time Jin Xiuqing’s voice fell, the peacock had already told a white story about the situation like a bamboo tube.
You are the sun god, the peacock king Gollum, staring at the weak peacock king with incredible eyes. You dare to call yourself a god at this level of strength. If we, the immortals in the purple mansion world, can’t wipe out all the millions of gods on your own?
Apparently, peacock king confessed

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