武汉桑拿网,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网,武汉夜生活论坛 品茶工作室外卖 Chapter one hundred and fifty-five When Wu Zongjing was in the past, the more difficult it was to dredge acupuncture points, the more difficult it was to get to the back. It took several efforts to break the number of difficulties and obstacles. When Song Yuncai practiced for four months, he dredged ninety-nine acupuncture points. Today, Song Yun will attack the 365th acupuncture point and is the only one in Song Yun’s body who didn’t dredge acupuncture points.

Chapter one hundred and fifty-five When Wu Zongjing was in the past, the more difficult it was to dredge acupuncture points, the more difficult it was to get to the back. It took several efforts to break the number of difficulties and obstacles. When Song Yuncai practiced for four months, he dredged ninety-nine acupuncture points. Today, Song Yun will attack the 365th acupuncture point and is the only one in Song Yun’s body who didn’t dredge acupuncture points.

This acupoint is located between Song Yun’s eyebrows, which connects Song Yun’s purple mansion. It is the most fragile place to dredge this acupoint until the other acupoints in the body are dredged. It is necessary to dredge this acupoint through 365 acupoints in the whole body. Song Yun will be considered a complete merit by then.
In order to dredge this acupuncture point, Song Yun has also made a lot of preparations. It is really the most difficult to dredge this acupuncture point. A little carelessness will hurt Song Yun Yuan Shen. In the nine months of practicing Song Yun’s arrangement, gravity has reached 200 times the level of terror.
After practicing in such an environment for such a long time, it is hard to imagine that Song Yun’s body is already strong. In this way, the terrorist gravity oppresses Song Yun’s vitality and changes qualitatively, becoming more concise and pure. Although Song Yun is still martial, there is not much difference between Wu Zong and Wu Jing.
Rolling vitality forms a vortex towards Song Yun’s eyebrows. If other acupoints are dredged, Song Yun will definitely have a strong vitality and continue to impact until the acupoints are penetrated by vitality. However, Song Yun is afraid to do so. He can rely on the water mill to sharpen his vitality and slowly erode this acupoint so that it can be penetrated naturally.
Dredging this acupuncture point is more difficult and time-consuming than other acupuncture points. Ten days later, Song Yun’s mind is still in control. By this time, Song Yun still feels more tired than Yuan Shen, but he can still grit his teeth.
Give me a long time to erode the acupoints between the eyebrows. At this time, Song Yun’s gas vitality and rolling flood launched a final impact on the acupoints between the eyebrows. The seemingly insurmountable barrier was rushed by the mighty vitality and poured into the acupoints between the eyebrows for the first time.
Finally, it’s, um, nine months of penance, and it’s the longest time since Song Yun came to this world. At this time, he broke through the last acupuncture point in one fell swoop. Song Yun’s heart was abnormal, but soon Song Yun felt that his body was undergoing incredible changes
Finally, it has become a well-versed acupuncture point at 365 points in the whole body. This alone can limit Yuan Tianding’s achievements in the future. Xiao Yi is very familiar with Song Yun’s situation. A few days ago, two people were observing Song Yun’s final impact. Now it is finally Yuan Tianding’s heart is also very happy.
The 365 acupoints in the whole body can be dredged one by one, and those who dredge the 365 acupoints in the whole body are few and far between. Even the advanced generation is proud of the sky. I don’t know how this Song Yun can change. Xiao Yi is very cold. I expect to dredge the 365 acupoints in the whole body. He doesn’t know what will happen.
At this time, Song Yun felt the strongest. At the last point, the acupuncture points were dredged, and the vitality was uncontrolled. Song Yun came to the whole body. The acupuncture points at 365 points were connected into one body and sucked together. The speed was simply unimaginable, and it was ten times faster than before the acupuncture points were dredged.
The speed of absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth has become faster, which means that after Song Yun, the cultivation speed will be almost incredible. Before Song Yun dredged 365 acupoints, the cultivation speed will slow down, because after Song Yun, the acupuncture points will be several times that of others, but now it seems that this is not a problem.
It’s just a trivial matter to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth and concise acupuncture points. Song Yun’s cultivation speed will not slow down, but will be several times faster than others. It will take ten years for others to reach the level. Song Yun can do it in two or three years.
These are all on the one hand, when the 365 acupoints in the whole body are dredged, Song Yun feels that his body resonates like a world. This feeling of blending heaven and earth makes Song Yun enjoy a lot of feelings in his mind. If he can digest these feelings one by one, Song Yun believes that his strength will definitely be able to go up a storey still higher.
Rolling vitality in the 365 acupoints of the body, that kind of vitality is unusually surging, as if you want to punch yourself, your vitality will pour out, and you feel that Song Yun really feels that he is strong. Song Yun’s strength is not weak. Now, with the vitality in the 365 acupoints of the whole body, it is hard to imagine the power.
Once the vitality is condensed together, it is equivalent to the outbreak of vitality in 365 acupoints. No wonder those people’s combat power will be so horrible and it is not difficult to challenge the enemy in the same realm. No wonder Song Yun’s changes are all seen in Xiao Yi’s eyes. Xiao Yi’s cold is very satisfied with Song Yun’s changes.
There are some differences between these Song Yun people. In this Song Yunshen, I feel the different breath of those people. Perhaps this means the divine body, but what will happen to the divine body when Song Yun breaks through to Wu Zongjing? Yuan Tianding is also saying that Song Yun’s situation is satisfactory. Don’t say that finding fault with them will envy Song Yun now.
This feeling is really great. It seems that this nine-month period didn’t give me a break. I felt my physical changes carefully. Song Yun didn’t stop practicing because of this. At this time, it is time for me to promote Song Yun to Wuzong.
The vitality broke out together and the vitality poured into Song Yun’s body. As early as nine months ago, Song Yun was able to break through to Wu Zongjing. After nine months of hard practice, Wu Zongjing was not a problem for Song Yun.
Yuan Qi has undergone a qualitative change in Song Yun’s body. This change not only occurred in Yuan Qi, but also in Song Yun’s body. During the nine months in the battle circle, Song Yun’s body had to bear unimaginable gravity day and night. At this time, these hard exercises finally came to fruition.
Physical vitality in a qualitative change suddenly emerged in the body a white light Xiao Yi cold Yuan Tianding hurriedly stare big eyes god body metamorphosis finally emerging Chapter one hundred and fifty-six God body metamorphosis.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-six The vitality in the body of God is changing. Suddenly, there is a brilliant light in Song Yun’s body. This white light passes and disappears into Song Yun’s body. Song Yungen didn’t see this white light, but Song Yun felt the change in his body.
At this moment, Song Yun has actually broken through to Wu Zongjing, and the difficulty has not been smooth at all. It seems that everything is natural. Now, when Song Yunshen’s strength is transformed, Song Yun can become a real Wu Zongjing Wu, but now Song Yun’s body has undergone new changes.
At that moment when the white light was integrated into Song Yun’s body, Song Yun Yuan God clearly felt an alien force invading his body. This force was very fierce. As soon as he entered Song Yun’s body, he scattered the vitality of Song Yun’s body. Before Song Yun could react, he regained his vitality in this force.
Before the quality is better, Song Yun always feels that there are other changes, but even Song Yun Yuan Shen can’t feel the differences. He can realize that this force should be good for himself. It doesn’t hurt that Song Yun didn’t care about this strange force, but carefully observed that strange force.
At this time, this different force has invaded Song Yun’s acupuncture points. As soon as this force comes into contact with Song Yun’s acupuncture points, Song Yun feels that his whole body acupuncture points have not changed much, but the scope of acupuncture points seems to be getting bigger. Many Song Yun are puzzled at first but then become abnormal.
Expanding the scope of acupuncture points means that the strength of Song Yun will become more vigorous in acupuncture points, but in this way, Song Yunwu’s cultivation will be no problem, but it will be much more difficult to break through to Wu Zun’s territory.
There are 365 acupuncture points in the whole body, and the range of each acupuncture point should be very large. It is necessary to make a qualitative change in physical strength from the breakthrough of Wuzong territory to Wuzun territory, and Song Yun’s physical strength now is not only more terrifying than concise physical strength, but it will be several times more difficult to make a qualitative change in physical strength.
Song Yun didn’t think about so many things, but now he can break through smoothly and get so many benefits. Song Yun has been very satisfied. Now Song Yun is still far away from Wu Zun’s territory, and he hasn’t carefully understood his physical strength, but he can master his sudden increase in physical strength in the shortest time.
This is the divine body, and there is no earth-shattering change. The brilliant white light has passed away, and then it has not changed. Yuan Tianding’s return to the divine body will be earth-shattering, but now it is over.
I’m afraid it’s still in the department, and this is the first change. Song Yun still has a long way to go before the awakening of God. Xiao Yi-han is very calm, but they don’t know the truth at all. Everything depends on speculation.
Anyway, I’m still a little worried about this small strength now. Now it seems that this time will be very interesting. Haha, Song Yun’s strength has reached a level at this time, but he can’t hide Xiao Yi’s cold. Yuan Tianding is very satisfied with Song Yun’s strength now.
You, although I don’t want Song Yun to be exposed too early, this time it’s really interesting for this little guy to see it. It should be good for him to be prepared. Xiao Yi-han is quite resistant to Yuan Tianding, but he agrees with Yuan Tianding’s arrangement that something must be faced.
This kind of feeling is really very good. My physical strength has already changed. I feel that powerful force in my body. Song Yun is very satisfied with waving a fist. Song Yun suddenly froze.
In Song Yun’s fist, Song Yun’s vitality was hidden in his body at 365 acupoints. At the same time, a vitality wave broke out from Song Yun’s fist and smashed a thick tree in Song Yun’s distance in an instant.
The strength is very strong, but it is not controlled. Song Yun is not happy with his current strength, but frowned slightly. Song Yun is very dissatisfied with this state. Even if the strength is not controlled, it is not a good thing after all.
At this time, Song Yun’s closure was over, but Song Yun still sat on the site for ten days. When Song Yun got up again after ten days, Song Yun didn’t have a strong breath, and the shocking power had disappeared. Now Song Yun’s appearance is just an ordinary martial arts.
This Song Yun is really surprising, so talented and so smart. Yuan Tianding’s eyes are full of admiration, and Song Yun’s every move is in his eyes. All these ten days have fully demonstrated Song Yun’s talent.
It’s ten days before the sudden increase in strength is controlled and there is no trace of leakage outside. It’s even more rare to find out the physical problems at once. This Song Yun is not simple. Xiao Yihan is also very impressed. This is what he should do as a master, but now Song Yunji has completed it.
The sudden increase in strength will naturally lead to uncontrollable power leakage, which will make individuals look imposing, but this is not a good thing. From time to time, controlling strength will cause great trouble for post-cultivation, which many martial arts realized at the back, but Song Yun realized at the same time.
Being able to increase your strength in ten days and hide your strength in your body is not something that ordinary people can do. This time, Song Yun fully demonstrated his talent and keen sense of body strength.
Then I should go and see Hua Tianzong’s practice. It’s been more than a year since I joined Hua Tianzong, but I haven’t taught myself anything, and I haven’t advanced my practice. Even if I haven’t learned a martial art, Song Yun feels that I’m so irresponsible.
Huatianzong, a large sect, should not say that it should be at the level of heaven and prefecture. This large sect is definitely not lacking in good cultivation. Song Yun has been looking forward to it for a long time. Now that it has broken through to Wuzong territory, it is almost time to go and see Huatianzong Chapter 157 Yanyunge.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-seven Mistress Yanyunge has broken through to the point that since Wu Zongjing was a younger brother, the cultivation is all low-level. I don’t know if my brother can cultivate Huatianzong’s advanced Song Yun now. Although he is not responsible for himself in his heart, Song Yun’s expression is not a fault.
You blame me for not giving you anything for such a long time, and I have nothing to give you Wushu. Your swordsmanship is enough. You should remember this, but you really should teach you something. Xiao Yi-han smiled. How can Song Yun hide that little thought from Xiao Yi-han?
Song Yun’s heart thumped, and it seems that his every move is in himself. The master noted that Yu Xuan was a heavenly sword. Song Yun had played Xiao Yi’s cold in Lingyun Tower, but even knowing this, it was very telling.
My younger brother abides by the master’s teachings. Although he is dissatisfied with Xiao Yi-han’s secret observation of himself, Song Yun also knows that Xiao Yi-han should not be malicious, but can say that he values himself very much. Song Yun has nothing to say.
In fact, the more advanced the practice is, the better. Now even if you give you a celestial level, you can’t practice successfully. In fact, it means that the celestial level is not that the quality is higher than the Xuan level, but that the celestial level can practice to a more advanced level. Xiao Yi is cold and unhurried. He told Song Yun about the practice in detail.
To divide heaven and earth into four levels, Xuan and Huang, is not to divide power, but to be able to cultivate to the state to divide the yellow level. It is already the limit to cultivate to Wu Zongjing, and then the Xuan level is able to cultivate to the peak level of Wu Zunjing and to cultivate to the peak level of Wu Huang. On the other hand, it is said that Wu Shen’s state is a lot of martial arts, but Wu Shen has not seen it for tens of thousands of years.

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