武汉桑拿网,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网,武汉夜生活论坛 品茶论坛 It’s all because of me. It’s not because of me. My mother won’t die, snow won’t die, and you won’t be destroyed. It’s all because of me.

It’s all because of me. It’s not because of me. My mother won’t die, snow won’t die, and you won’t be destroyed. It’s all because of me.

At this moment, he was overwhelmed by fear and injustice.
Wounds stop hard to close your eyes and patted him lightly.
It’s not your fault, it’s God’s fault, it’s what made you suffer so much.
Jing Yun burst into tears, and the young shadow turned into grievances and tears as Xue Geng died.
Damn it, damn it, why should the snow replace me? It’s my death. It’s my Jing Yun who beats his chest desperately and holds it lovingly so that he won’t move.
Jing Yun can writhe and vent her sadness.
Yun, you don’t want to be so snowy, and you don’t want to see you. That’s why you asked not to tell you. She wants you to be happy. Do you want to go against her hope and make her feel uneasy in the next generation?
Jingyun didn’t listen at this time, and his body was so hard that he kept beating himself.
I can’t look at it. I just ordered him to sleep in the cave before he was quiet.
What should I do with a worried face?
I’ve already taken over the title of the admiring building.
I couldn’t help but think of Jing Yun and let him find the turtle and tung bark powder. I searched his body and finally found the bottle of medicine.
There’s nothing I can do now. You can dart this letter to the dog emperor. I’ll give Jing Yun this medicine and make other improvisations.
Think about it before ordering Daoyan to go back and get ready, brother. We may have a hard battle to fight.
The two men were brought away.
Wounds stop feed JingYun turtle rest tung skin powder sighed miserably.
Jing Yun, don’t blame me. There’s nothing I can do now. If I really want to pursue it then, he will definitely be responsible. I can wronged you now.
After sitting for a while, I just remembered that I heard the hurried steps outside the door running to this side, and a tingle didn’t want to break the window
Jing Yao rushed in and saw a black shadow in the dark and vigorous.
They moved so fast that Jing Yao wanted to chase them, but he felt his heart beating when he thought of lying on the bed and squeezing the letter in his hand.
Just now, he was cooking medicine in the kitchen, and suddenly a dart flew in with a letter in it. After reading it, he almost died.
In the future, everything was a mother’s trick, and Yun’s son suffered. He will never forgive him.
Walk quickly to Jingyun and touch his temperature. Is it still hot?
Jing Yao breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to rest assured, but his mind flashed and he felt something was wrong.
Hands trembling to Jingyun neck without pulse.
Jing Yao panicked and stared at the letter falling to the ground.
Chapter 45
King Jingxiu died in the battle after the Qin-Jing War in the four years of Jingxiu, but the people said that he was killed by the Queen Mother. No one dares to jump to a conclusion and can secretly regret the national sorrow.
King Yun’s body was sent back to the Imperial Capital for burial on another day.
The news in the palace that the queen mother is a traitor and collaborator is the great princess royal of Qin, which makes people feel sad.
Immediately afterwards, Emperor Yao put his biological mother in limbo without favoritism, waiting for the punishment. Once confirmed, he was immediately put to death.
The queen mother was so ashamed that she was killed in the cold palace that day.
No one knows what happened that night, and when she woke up the next day, the queen mother had been burned alive and died in the cold house.
It is said that the empress dowager ignited the fire because there was no trace of the second person at the scene.
It is said that on that day, the lights in the palace were particularly dark and ghostly, and everything came to an end with this secret letter.
It’s night
The cold palace is covered with spider silk, which is too shabby for a queen mother who is used to living in a gorgeous palace. It should not be a disgrace to her high position.
The queen mother swore and was very dissatisfied with the gatekeeper eunuch.
You dog slaves will take your heads off when you go to the mourning home.
But everyone knows that she will never go again, except that she refuses to face the reality.
After the death of King Yun, the emperor showed his love for him.
The people of Jingxiu feel that they died in the Yun Kingdom, leaving Yao Huang alone. Instead, they accuse the two of being more sympathetic to their love and pray that God will return their love to Yao Huang.
Jing Yun’s death took away Jing Yao’s emotions. Now he looks at everything coldly like an ice cube. He is more cruel and more affectionate towards King Yun, and the person who can make him feel emotional is gone.
He specially ordered someone to build a pair of crystal ice coffins and put Jing Yun in them. No matter how busy the state affairs are, he must accompany him for several hours every day.
Palace people silently watching this scene all Jing Yao secretly left bitter tears.

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