武汉桑拿网,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网,武汉夜生活论坛 品茶夜网 Bastard crazy Chiliang, your escort suddenly stirred me up. The purple robe is going crazy at this time. He is already the strongest person in Chidecheng. This time, he is absolutely convinced. But he didn’t expect a close fight to be won by a little guy like a worm in an instant. At that moment, his great trick is to attack people in a range. I always knew that purple robe was not good and I had a serious injury. The pike didn’t shoot through its body and ate it several times. It was not easy to lose the other party’s armor and sword.

Bastard crazy Chiliang, your escort suddenly stirred me up. The purple robe is going crazy at this time. He is already the strongest person in Chidecheng. This time, he is absolutely convinced. But he didn’t expect a close fight to be won by a little guy like a worm in an instant. At that moment, his great trick is to attack people in a range. I always knew that purple robe was not good and I had a serious injury. The pike didn’t shoot through its body and ate it several times. It was not easy to lose the other party’s armor and sword.

Just as the purple robe was howling wildly.
The purple robe old suddenly face upwards miserably cry a body unexpectedly strange explosion to this scene is very strange because no one is attacking him Yuan Ye didn’t DiYiLiuSi chapter how did this happen?
Maybe Yuan Ye knows that the purple robe old man has been injured three times by the three-way purgatory sword.
How is it possible that Gong Bo is dead? How is it possible that Chi Liang is pale to the extreme in the distance? This purple robe is old, but he is the strongest in the late family. One of the four masters is also the strongest in the late family. It is so strong that in the late family, it is a rank, that is, the heads of families should be polite when they see it. A three-point loss is a blow to the late family, which is borne by the law
But this time, I have recruited a six-turn-the-peak, but I have accompanied one in my own home, which is acceptable to Chi Liang.
Chi Liang’s late followers have never seen their faces so hard. How important it is for him to be late at home? But it can be said that one less late at home can retreat from the position of the boss of Decheng, rather than being swallowed up by other forces. Conversely, the late family can reach six or seven, but it is by no means a problem to have another type of city. This is the influence of the master.
But it’s too late to say anything now
Young master, what should we do? At this time, the guards are late, so be careful and low.
What should I do? Gong Bo is dead. How can I tell my father what I should do? At this time, Chi Liang has always been very shrewd and finally panicked, but he has not yet become a crisis.
The battlefield Yuan Ye coldly looked at the little Hu A Hao. When he was the boss of purple robe, this A Hao was almost killed by huge energy waves. At this time, he was lying on the ground and didn’t have the ability to breathe.
When I first came here, no one knew such a superior, but Yuan Ye blocked me. As soon as he saw this little Hu, he thought of Chi Liang and Bai Chi Liang. He didn’t give me the slightest face and the ability to find such a strong superior.
Call Yuan Ye eyes a look to the small hu A Hao just blunt come over direction.
Where Chi Liang is still in the process of accepting the loss, a six-turn-the-peak panic is not good, young master. Now we have a guard. Seeing Yuan Ye staring straight at this place, he suddenly roared in horror.
Let’s go, young master. This guard will not hesitate to pull up Chi Liang and run, but in fact, they are well hidden. Yuan Ye hasn’t found it yet, but let’s run together and expose ourselves.
However, it’s your eyes, Yuan Ye, that seem to flicker and kill.
Chiliang is that you have died, and a roar of thunder is rolling in all directions.
The roar scared the late conscience, and even his face turned white. He shouted and stopped him. Chi Liang screamed and screamed at the top of his lungs. About 30 followers around him heard clearly. These people immediately went to protect Chi Liang.
Chi Liang, you can escape. The roar of the God of War reverberates around the world.
Defensive guards shout at top of their voices later, and those guards immediately lined up in sequence, waiting in the front row of pike forest.
Hum Yuan Ye, as if a god of war had come from ancient times, every step caused the ground to shake. The third step was to kick on the huge stone with a weight of ten thousand kilograms, which rushed to the crowd like a meteorite.
The boulder rolled over and smashed into the crowd with an overwhelming momentum.
Especially in the front row of guards, there was no trace of blood in their faces in instant horror, and they screamed one by one, regardless of the formation any more.
Poof, poof, poof, poof.
The boulder directly grinds those who escape from time to time into paste, and the trainer guards also roar and run away at this time.
More than ten people were killed when a boulder was crushed.
Haha, Yuan Ye laughs, and every step is full of feet and feet. Every step causes the earth to tremble and crack, like the earth god playing the piano with both hands at the same time. Every time a finger moves, a golden light is shot away.
Poop, poop, poop.
Fortunately, these people have completed the live target in the blink of an eye, but those who are still trying to be their own passers-by will die.
It’s terrible. Is he a person? Fortunately, several guards watched Yuan Ye coming after the young master Chiliang’s back. His legs were still soft and his heart was pounding. For these guards, he had never seen a six-turn peak-level bully, especially if he fought with them, he would die.
Xiao Hu A Hao saw this scene and Yuan Yeqiang left an indelible impression on his heart at this moment.
I’m as strong as he is, so I won’t run around. I hate Ah Hao, who knows the strength of Tao Zun’s six peaks, but I still dare to tremble when I look at this scene, and my eyes are full of tears.
Stop him! Stop him! Chiliang screamed like he was crazy! He ran wildly! When Naichi Liang didn’t know it, he turned around and scared his soul away.
There are only a few of his 30 guards left to die. At this time, no one dares to get in the way again. A vast area is like a fiend Yuan Ye after him.
How did this happen? How did this happen? Yuan Yexun approached behind the chaos.
I, I will be the master of the late family in the future, but I want to unify all the stars. How can I die today if I want to be a Buddha? Chi Liang doesn’t want to believe that he still has great achievements.
How did this happen? I calculated everything well, even if Gong Bo didn’t kill him, this person could not know that I arranged the hands and feet, but that bastard A Hao killed me, and my conscience was unwilling to be rejected by God.
Chi Liang, do you still want to escape from a powerful sound? The sound made Chi Liang almost stunned. He looked up at Yuan Ye, who was in front of him with a bloody sword in his hand.
It’s over. Chi Liang has a white face.
Yuan Ye looked down at the slouches ChiLiangGen no longer natural and unrestrained.
You, you can’t kill me. Chi Liang suddenly looked up and said, it’s not good for you. I’m late.
Chi Liang Yuan Yeyin’s dull eyes seem to be looking at a corpse. I don’t want to kill anyone, but you have provoked me to say that you are late. Haha, in my eyes, what is your late home? I have been fighting all the way and I don’t care about anyone. Chapter 1165 Moist.
Yuan Ye kicked ChiLiangGen directly, but he didn’t dodge Yuan Ye’s toes and kicked ChiLiang’s throat directly.
Ho, ho, Chi Liang’s eyes rolled with blood from his mouth. Before his death, scenes emerged in his mind. When he was a child, he worked hard and stood out from his peers in Chi Jia. From then on, he was arrogant to Chi Liang. Who wouldn’t praise him?
It’s a pity that with Yuan Ye’s foot gone, ChiLiang’s eyes went dim and he fell to the ground and stopped moving.
Three unique purgatory sword, one shock, blood dripping, Yuan Ye put the sword into the ring, and then walked behind, leaving Chiliang some guards to look at each other.

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