武汉桑拿网,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网,武汉夜生活论坛 喝茶联系方式 Two people from hand to hand up to now, no one can take up the slightest wind, so the enemy is very difficult and terrible at the same time, even a slight mistake may lose his name.

Two people from hand to hand up to now, no one can take up the slightest wind, so the enemy is very difficult and terrible at the same time, even a slight mistake may lose his name.

The surrounding area is subtle but dense and stuffy. Obviously, the hands of both sides have been fighting together, but at the moment, whether it is Yang Tian or the leader of the scouts in front of the thorny Red Dragon Dynasty, they have no mind to note these.
In this situation, distraction is a way to die.
Two people eyes tightly staring at each other, and then milli trillion suddenly hand.
Fierce eyes, cold eyes, no temperature, and finally fight in a narrow range
If the two men are equal in strength, I’m afraid it will be a long time before the outcome is decided.
But they are scouts and must not be caught in a long battle.
The two men did not hesitate to choose the coldest way to fight to the death, and the battle would not end until one side fell.
The spike blocked the dagger from killing and suddenly pulled across a tiny wound. Now, although the face of the Red Dragon Dynasty scout leader is a tiny wound, it is strong enough that Datura toxin instantly melts into it and destroys his body at the same time.
Yang Tian gasped and looked at the ground. The body quickly turned black, and there was no joy in the eyes of the enemy.
A moment later, the scouts team joined the enemy scouts and killed them, but four of the ten people died here forever.
It’s been a long time since their ten-member team suffered any casualties.
Yang Tian’s eyes are firm, and all the sadness in his eyes is suppressed. On the 10th, the horse rushed back to the left front and reported to the commander-in-chief and sent more scouts in case of our encounter.
The number of secret scouts said that they were not far from the Red Dragon Imperial Army.
If the scouts can’t bring back the news accurately, the army may meet each other at any time, so Yang Tian and others must never retreat even if they are tired.
Wandering between life and death to ensure that the army is safe and sound. This is the life of scouts.
No.10 nodded without hesitation, and quickly jumped back to get rid of Yang Tian, who was the fastest guy in the team.
The average damage of 20 scouts is in half of the battle, but the two sides have been in the dark to spy on the military situation. Although the hands are silent, they are also spilling blood.
More than 100 dark legion soldiers will stay here forever.
Twenty thousand soldiers looked alike, no matter whether the recruits or veterans were breathing cold breath and pressing their chests, they couldn’t breathe.
Meng Fei calmly responded. On the one hand, he sent a new scout line, on the other hand, he was divided into two teams of 1,000 people and slowly wandered around the two wings of the team to advance. Although this is likely to be seized by the enemy, it is the best way to defeat the local scouts.
Moreover, Meng Fei’s left-wing army will attack the letter with two thousand men, and he will be able to drive with a great army in a moment.
In the scouts’ squad, two thousand troops jointly strangled the dense Red Dragon Dynasty scouts, who were defeated and forced to leave the situation and be quiet again.
Meng Fei is calm in his heart. He knows that the eyes are not over. The enemy is retreating for a while and secretly preparing to launch the most fierce attack.
Everything is just now.
Entering the battle field and running through the fire area, 50 Wan Li journey was slowly advanced in a cautious situation, and it took 20 days to arrive. The Red Dragon Dynasty scouts attacked the squad for more than a dozen times, and both sides suffered casualties.
Watching comrades-in-arms die and fight has not yet been done. Meng Fei probably has red eyes. This unforgettable hatred blood can be washed away.
Passively attacked all the way, although it is very common, after all, they are interspersed with the fire-control area of the Red Dragon Dynasty, but the soldiers of the legion still glanced at a group of anger in their hearts, and the March seemed depressed and irritable
Now the left front is like a powder keg, which will explode at the slightest spark. This is a very bad situation, but officers at all levels can only reprimand and suppress it, but they can’t eradicate it.
After all, this kind of grumpiness can only be completely released by a hearty bloody battle.
The edge of the Xinghe region will advance further into the secondary war zone. Once it enters, it will surely be attacked by the Red Dragon Dynasty.
The army stopped and camped.
Meng Fei looked at the silent action and slowly shook his head in the hearts of the soldiers. This is war
The Dark Legion, directly under the Red Dragon Dynasty, has always been famous for its fierce and fearless fighting power. Every soldier of the Red Dragon Dynasty will be given the Dark Mystery when he joins the Legion. The only secret method is to transform the blood power attribute of the practitioner into fierce and aggressive.
That’s why the dark legion is more serious and weak, and there is no chance here
Wore Dynasty Earth Corps Alliance Sun Dynasty Tianjiao Corps simultaneously pulls out the eclipse dynasty, but the fighters of the eclipse dynasty are the best scouts. They will be the eyes of the two dynasties in the battlefield.
The combination of the three parties is more powerful than the battle, but they will be suppressed by all parties in previous battles.
Whenever one side fights at a critical moment, the war is about to expand, and other imperial legions will surely step in, even if they are powerless, it will be enough for the three imperial dynasties to fear the soldiers, otherwise they will be killed in the face of two joint forces.
The main defensive attack of the Earth Corps is weak, and the Tianjiao Corps is fierce in attack and thin in defense, which is a perfect combination of the two.
It is also because of this that the two dynasties were very close to each other, and it has always been a mixed war to participate in the imperial battle.
The Earth Corps Tianjiao Corps has a total of 20 million soldiers, which are divided into ten parts, each with 2 million soldiers, and each of the two legions has a million. Each side will send a war emperor to jointly lead the battle, and the combat effectiveness of the legion will be brought into full play.
The Earth Corps defends against the attack of the Sun Corps in a nearly perfect combination. They always have to retreat when facing strong enemies in the battlefield, and they should also be afraid when the powerful armies of the major dynasties are hostile to them.

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