武汉桑拿网,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网,武汉夜生活论坛 喝茶联系方式 For a few days, China and Japan are still light, and occasionally they can meet in sects. There is no doubt that the charm of this girl in Daozong is accompanied wherever she goes, and the youthful vitality and charming smile of girls of both sexes seems to dye people’s minds or slow down.

For a few days, China and Japan are still light, and occasionally they can meet in sects. There is no doubt that the charm of this girl in Daozong is accompanied wherever she goes, and the youthful vitality and charming smile of girls of both sexes seems to dye people’s minds or slow down.

However, whenever Lin is now the focus of attention, the girl will turn her sly eyes and then slip away as fast as a rabbit. That appearance is obviously deliberately avoiding him, which makes Lin move a little startled. After thinking, she remembered that when she first entered Daozong, she bet that she couldn’t help but laugh. What is this Ni afraid of giving her a difficult problem?
And Lin Dong also laughed it off. The original bet was just random. If he hadn’t deliberately thought about it, he would have forgotten this stubble. 1 He didn’t deliberately chase after the strange girl to find trouble.
In addition to this episode, the forest movement is also dull and leisurely, and so the waves pass day by day until one day.
In front of a chessboard, there is the blind old man sitting on the moving plate of Lin in the soft light Wu Temple. It is quite good after contacting Lin during this period, and the lonely blind old man looks at Lin very pleasing to the eye, but it is extremely hot in the long run.
(of a hen) cluck/cackle/squawk
Lin’s slender fingers rested lightly on the chessboard with chess between them, but his eyes glanced at Wu Dian. He was not interested in chess, but he was casually accompanied by the blind old man
Today to Wu Dian people how much less chess suddenly asked.
Because palace examination is close to the recent period, Wudian has always been full of people, but today it seems to be a lot more spacious, which makes Lin feel puzzled.
Because people worship the mountain, many younger brothers went to see the fun, and the blind old man casually said
Worship the mountain forest and be stupefied.
The forces in the East Xuanyu are complicated, although the big super sects are the strongest, but there are still some super sects behind it, and their strength can not be underestimated.
This time, the Taoist Sect seems to be Hongyadong, which is the closest and strongest super Sect to the Taoist Sect. However, although this Sect has always been belligerent, it does not dare to provoke our Taoist Sect, but from time to time it will bring its elders and some outstanding brothers to worship the mountain in our Taoist Sect.
Speaking of this, the blind old man’s face seems to pass by with a sneer. If he wins, they will take this opportunity to make a big fuss and say something that my brother is better than me.
Continue to visit Hongyadong every year for three years, but losing every year is nothing to worry about.
Smell speech Lin also nodded, will no longer hand chess is falling again.
But when the two people were so amused for half a day, they also passed away, and the chess game was also at the end. However, just as Lin was preparing to take over the beam, his eyebrows suddenly picked their heads and swept to the nearby place, where there was a rush to break the wind. A moment later, a figure fell, but it turned out to be Mo Ling, but at this time he seemed to be looking a little ugly.
what’s up
At the sight of Moling’s face, Lin was dazed and smiled and asked.
Do you know about Qiandian? When Moling saw Lin moving here, he was obviously relieved and immediately said
Those who come to worship the mountain in Hongya Cave Lin Dong wanted to think.
It’s just a younger brother, isn’t it? The elder martial sister Qingye Muli is here. Can’t even the younger brother of Hongya Cave pick up Lin Dong’s eyebrows slightly wrinkled and said,
Sister Xiaoxiao, they closed Moling for a long time half a month ago, and their news about Lin’s occlusion is obviously a little nai.
I’m afraid those guys deliberately picked this time to come over, and this time Hongya Cave has also confirmed that several difficult people are very strong. Most of our four temples are close to each other, and most of them are practicing in a closed way.
Just now, we have played three games. Our Taoist Sect lost two games. The tone of those Hongyadong brothers was extremely arrogant, which provoked many brothers to be quite angry. Some people couldn’t help sneaking back to find those closed brothers. Speaking of which, Moling looked ugly. After all, it was almost a defeat to worship the mountain in Hongyadong. How can we win their Taoist Sect? Moreover, after those guys won, it was also full of anger.
Now in the fourth game, the younger martial sister is holding hands to see the situation for the time being, but Hongyadong is still the most difficult one. If I can’t find you today, I’m afraid the younger martial sister has to hold hands twice. After all, she is the strongest among the brothers in the temple.
Hearing this, Lin’s eyebrows slowly wrinkle up, and his correspondence is considered to be some understanding. Although this Ni usually looks all kinds of unreliable, once she meets this kind of thing, the sectarian name is the same as a different person. She dares to lay down her life to stop Yao Ling and others. Even worse, this kind of Lien Chan is two things.
It’s too much to let a girl play twice, and let them put their faces there.
The King of the Hall of Enlightenment asked me to come and find you. He wanted you to go to the town, or it would not be a good thing for us Taoists to lose to Hongyadong.
Lin frowned immediately nai shook his head and put the chess in his hand on the chessboard and looked at it. It seems that I have to go.
Some uncultivated things should be taught a lesson. The Sect will give you a blind old man playing chess one by one. Light way

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